From: Mai- Lon Gittelsohn

Hi Elmer,
Last night Marc was reminiscing about about your first meeting at the SAMMYS the Jewish Fraternity you both pledged too. He says you both formed an instant connection and became the rebels who quit and joined student cooperatives instead. I will never forget the morning you came over before office hours to check on Amy who had been crying all night. She had an ear infection. Just one of the many, many times you helped me become a competent mother!
I'm glad you had a glass of wine! I've been meaning to ask you for a recommendation for a nice red wine. I find I like a glass with a steak but inevitably find what we buy at BevMo too raw and acidic. What do you suggest?
Marc does not always remember things like how to turn on the AC, or whether we've had breakfast yet, but his memory of your friendship are vivid and enduring.
Much love,
Mai-Lon and Marc


From: Paula + Mark Goodwin


From: Paul Licht